Inimesed can be launched by tapping its launcher icon. Once launched the list of names in your address book is shown together with information on when and how much they have been contacted, etc. This list is sortable by various parameters.
You can select a name in two ways, either by scrolling to it and then tapping on it, or (often faster) by holding your finger on the microphone button and uttering a voice command. Once the name is selected an action is performed. The actions are
If the name was selected by tapping, then the action depends on the corresponding setting which can be set via the Settings-menu. In case of a voice command the action depends on the command (see below).
Inimesed can be also launched from another app, if it calls a contact picker and Inimesed is proposed as one of the apps that can perform contact picking. In this case, in however way the contact is selected, its information is returned to the calling app which processes it further.
Searching the contact list by voice is simple: hold down the big yellow button and speak the name of the person whom you want to contact.
The grammar of the commands is formally governed by the following BNF rules.
command := NAME command := (helista | vali) palun NAME
where NAME is the name of the contact as it appears in the contacts list (so called display name). If the "Flexible search" option is switched on then any longer name component (e.g. the first name) can be used as NAME.
The current version of Inimesed only searches names that are written using the letters of the Estonian alphabet, e.g. if the name of the contact is written in a Greek or Thai script it will not be found.
Some examples of legal utterances.
helista palun Jaan Jaanson vali palun Jaan Jaanson Jaan Jaanson
Note that some settings require the app to be restarted, i.e. exiting the app by pressing BACK as long as the home screen is reached and then relaunching the app.
The app requires the following permissions to run.
. This
directory does not store any permanent data, it just has to exist while
the app is running. You can thus delete it anytime, it will be recreated
the next time the app runs.Because the app cannot use the internet, your private address book can never leave the device. Note however that the grammar file which contains the names of your contacts (just the names, not phone numbers nor any other info) is stored on external storage while the app is running, so it is technically accessible to all other apps on the phone.
The current version of Inimesed uses Estonian acoustic models and
an Estonian pronunciation dictionary. So try to pronounce the names in your
best Estonian accent. For example, if you want to find a James, pronounce his
name as /J A M E S/
not /JH EY M Z/
. Note also that
the spoken feedback is not an indication of correct pronunciation, as the
feedback language most likely differs from Estonian (i.e. Estonian
speech synthesis is not yet available on Android).
The built-in speech recognizer is based on Pocketsphinx by the CMU Sphinx project. Because the recognizer is built-in, the app can be used without an internet connection and its performance depends only on the performance of the device. On slower devices (single core with less than 1GHz), the app might be too slow to be usable.
The Estonian acoustic models have been created by the Laboratory of Phonetics and Speech Technology, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology and are available at Note that the models that are pre-installed with the app have been optimized for short loading and recognition time rather than high quality recognition. On Samsung Galaxy S2 with 200 entries in the address book the app starts up in a couple of seconds and the transcription is delivered almost instantly.
Author: Kaarel Kaljurand